Friday, February 12, 2010

FieldGenius? for SURVEYOR

What sets FieldGenius apart from the competition?

Code Free Linework: Linework is created automatically without entering codes and is instantly displayed, eliminating the need for a separate sketch. No need to connect the dots back at the office.
Advanced display with Live Graphics and intuitive interface: FieldGenius is laid out with logical icons, customizable toolbars, smart objects and easy to use GPS and total station controls.
Productivity tasks: Customize your data collector by assigning commands to your keypad keys.
Calculating tools: Access the built in RPN calculator from any edit field.
Plus Advanced Roading, Surfacing, Slope Staking, Smart Points, DXF & LandXML import/ export and full Robotic and GPS support. FieldGenius is the choice of organizations that value productivity. Top Feature Details>>

Watch the Video on the Right Explaining How Linework is Done the FieldGenius Way!


:: New to FieldGenius?
Request A Demonstration>>

:: Upgrading to 2010?
For a Detailed List of the Recent Improvements
Click Here>>

:: Watch A Great Introduction Movie on How to
Use FieldGenius>>

:: Read the Latest Review of
FieldGenius in POB>>


The FieldGenius Advantage

FieldGenius gives you a competitive advantage in the field. Some of our customers have reported up to a 30% reduction in the time it takes them to complete a job because of the advantages FieldGenius offers.

When surveyors first look at FieldGenius their first reaction is "this is different." When they use it in the field, they quickly realize that this difference makes a difference. Read what John Roberson, RLS from Georgia, had to say about FieldGenius.

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